Wednesday, May 9, 2012

update: strawberries

The galore pink strawberry plants are doing extremely well after planting them in the strawberry jar planter. They are producing flowers and developing into strawberries! I deliberately did not bother to remove the flowers from these strawberry plants because I wanted to see how greatly this lack of step will affect yield for this harvest and next year's harvest. I'm excited about the potential harvest of these particular berries.

galore pink strawberry

galore pink strawberry

I've also sowed borage seeds about two weeks ago at the tops of each strawberry planter. I sowed blue and white borage seeds. The brown planter has blue borage while the turquoise planter has white borage. It took about two weeks for the seeds to germinate and boy was I excited to see a pair of leaves sprout from the soil! I'm looking forward to seeing how they grow and produce the featured blue (and white) star-like flowers.

borage (blue)

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